Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Use Tax Season to Put Your Financial House in Order

My least favorite time of year has arrived - TAX season!
It takes days to gather all the 1099's, W-2's, etc. I take over the dining room table with papers spread over every inch. Fortunately, I also have a kitchen table where I eat my meals.

With everything out in the open, this presents a perfect opportunity to organize your finances.

Try to implement one of these suggestions:
1. Use a 3-ring binder to organize statements. Even if you receive statements online, it may be helpful to print the summary page for each financial institution. Use dividers to separate each. This helps you to compare monthly or quarterly values. Are you making money?

2. Create an annual Net Worth statement. List all the assets you own - house, condo, car, 401k, IRA, etc. and their current value. Add them up. List what you owe (liabilities) - car loan, student loan, mortgage, credit card balances, etc. Add them up. Subtract what you owe from what you own. That number is your Net Worth. Each year compare the bottom line. Are you growing your wealth?

3. Increase your savings amount. Pay yourself first.
Are you on track to buy that car or condo? Set up direct deposit from your checking account to your savings account.
For retirement, increase your contribution to your 401k/403b by 1%.

Be $ Smart - Use tax season to build your financial independence.