Monday, January 20, 2014

More than money can buy...

Robert Laura wrote this article for the Retirement Project with retirees in mind.
I think it should be a list for young and old.

A Sense Filled Retirement
When it comes to retirement, the biggest threat many retirees face in losing one or more of their senses. With that in mind, I have assembled a short list of things retirees can set out to see, hear, smell, taste and touch to help give their new found time and flexibility in retirement some specfic direction. A sense-filled bucket list if you will.

East Coast Sunrise / West Coast Sunset
Broadway musical
Arlington’s Changing of The Guard
Your family’s photo album
Renaissance area painting or sculpture
Championship sporting event
Words on the page of a great classic book like Moby Dick

A baby’s laugh
Live performance of Beethoven Symphony #9
Roar of Niagara Falls
Crashing ocean wave
Muscle Car or Jet Engine
Your own breath
4th of July Fireworks Grand Finale

Cognac / or a fine wine
Fresh squeezed OJ
Chicago style pizza
Fresh grilled bacon cheesburger
Chilly hot dog with everything
Fresh campfire S’mores
Fresh blueberry pancakes (none of that just add water complete mix)

Silk bed sheets
Snow ball
A heartbeat
Bubble wrap
Dangling your feet in water
Baby hands and toes
Warmth of a camp fire

New car
Newborn baby
Fresh cut grass
The air after it rains
Freshly ground coffee
Rose bush
Fresh bread or chocolate chip cookies baking