In spite of decades of the women's movement some attitudes are difficult to change. Many more women are in the workforce than 30 or 40 years ago. Many women make substantial salaries - some even make more than their spouses. A recent survey showed that 56% of married women still leave major investing and financial decisions to their spouses. 61% of that group, qualified as millennials, fall into that category. (Those born between 1981 and 1991.)
Women who have experienced divorce or widowhood plead with their colleagues to pay attention to important financial decisions that will profoundly impact their future! These women suffered the consequences of lack of involvement in financial decision making and urge others to break the cycle of financial abdication.
Some of the surprises that surfaced:
- outdated or lost wills making the estate distribution more costly and time consuming.
- hidden debt and credit cards,
- shared beneficiaries,
- hidden spending,
- secret accounts,
- undisclosed IRA's or 401k plans,
- lack of adequate life insurance or huge loans against life insurance policies.
Remember, women usually live longer than men. Whether you choose to be single or become single as a result of death or divorce, you will need the confidence and experience of being financially savvy.
Be $ Smart - make financial decisions a partnership. You need to protect your future.