In any given day or any given year we have no idea which part of the market will perform well or under perform. The purpose of diversification (not putting all your eggs in one basket) is to have some money in several different areas to take advantage of an upward move and to protect against a downward move.
Asset allocation allows you to divide your money into:
Cash and
And, within each of those categories are several smaller subcategories.
Stocks may include:
- large companies - large cap,
- mid-size companies,
- small companies.
Stocks may be bought in different "sectors" such as:
- Drugs (pharmaceuticals) & health care,
- Transportation,
- Consumer Products,
- Utilities - gas, electricity, telephone,
- Advertising, marketing, social media,
- Financials - banks, brokerage houses,
- Real Estate - office building, malls, apartment buildings.
Stocks may also cover different geographic areas:
- Domestic, meaning only U.S. companies,
- Foreign or international - outside the U.S.,
- Developed countries - in U.S., Europe, South America or Asia,
- Emerging markets, may be found in Africa, Indonesia.
And you may purchase mutual funds that include combinations of all those listed.
A diversified portfolio means holding some of these many choices so you have the exposure to both grow and protect your money. How do you know which ones to buy? It can be quite a challenge! Do the research yourself or find an advisor whom you trust to make the task easier but you still must play an active role of asking questions and reading statements.
Be $ Smart - plan a diversified portfolio for both opportunity and protection.