Achieving financial freedom or financial independence is a worthwhile goal to pursue at any age. Life can be more enjoyable and less stressful when you have enough money to live the life you want.
I have learned I can only work so many hours each day, each week. Realizing that, I must put my money to work by investing.
Over the next few weeks I will give tips on investing. Actually, last week's $ Tip discussed the services offered by a Full Service Broker vs a Discount Broker, was a good start.
Education is the key. I offer four suggestions. Pick one or two to raise your understanding and commitment to investing:
1. Take a class. Most adult education programs at your local high school or college offer a class on personal investing. Take a friend. Learn together. Go out after the class and discuss what you learned and what you can implement.
2. Read. Join AAII, the American Association of Individual Investors.
The cost is $29 per year. They are dedicated to people like you who are learning about investing. They offer a monthly publication filled with good, basic information. Also, they offer chapter meetings where you can meet others interested in investing. Go to
3. Read more. Buy one, yes one, money/investing magazine. Read it cover to cover, even the ads. Here you are familiarizing yourself with a new vocabulary. The more you see and read the words, the sooner you will understand their meaning. You don't really need a year's subscription until you find one magazine you enjoy and understand. Or, regularly read the Business Section of your newspaper.
4. Find a "money buddy". Doing things with another person is always more fun. Just as Weight Watchers encourages buddies and exercise routines suggest partners, you know you are more likely to stick to your financial goals and learn more if you have a buddy.
Be $ smart - learn investing to build wealth and financial independence.