In order to improve their bottom line, banks have been charging fees on everything. One of the most costly fees is that on overdrafts. Not balancing your check book or keeping a very low balance in your account can push you into overdraft with a big fat fee of $35! Do that two or three times a month and you have the cost of a dinner out.
Take advantage of your bank's app. It allows you to check your balance, make payments, set alerts, etc. Set an alert for when your balance falls below a certain amount to avoid overdraft fees.
Statistics show that the youngest and poorest bank customers are paying the larger share of fees. These are folks who cannot afford to fund the bank's profits. One overdraft fee could buy a bag of groceries. Online banking is giving customers more control. Take advantage of the apps your banks offer to manage your money wisely.
Some features my bank app offers:
- deposit a check by snapping a picture of it,
- send money to someone to pay an IOU,
- transfer money between my checking and savings accounts,
- view my account balance,
- make sure "direct deposit" checks have been credited properly,
- view bill due dates,
- pay bills,
- find an ATM for my bank to avoid non-bank ATM fees.
Be $ smart - Keep more money in your pocket by using bank apps.